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Why does my dog snore?

Warum schnarcht mein Hund?

It is not uncommon for a dog to snore. In most cases, the cause is harmless. Sometimes, however, snoring in dogs can indicate health problems.

Find out why dogs snore and when to worry about it below.

Some dog breeds snore particularly often

Put simply, if your dog snores, it is because the air cannot pass freely through the airways of the four-legged friend. This is particularly common with certain dog breeds due to their anatomical features.

Mostly these are short-headed dog breeds, which have a noticeably short snout due to targeted breeding. This may be a desirable visual feature for some people, but the short-headedness can certainly lead to various health problems and, among other things, impair breathing. In this case, it is almost inevitable that your dog will snore.

The dogs affected by this include the following breeds:

In the case of pronounced short-headedness, a surgical procedure in which part of the soft palate is removed or the nostrils are widened can be helpful to make it easier for the dog to breathe and thus can also reduce snoring.

Snoring in overweight dogs

Another possible cause of snoring in dogs, which unfortunately affects more and more four-legged friends, is obesity. In overweight dogs, the excess pounds can put pressure on the airways and thus lead to the affected four-legged friends having difficulty breathing.

Apart from that, being overweight will sooner or later have a number of other serious consequences for the health of your four-legged friend. You should therefore put your dog on a diet as soon as possible, and not only because of its snoring.

How to reduce your snoring dog's weight

A moderate reduction in the amount of food is the key for sustainable weight reduction. Also, be sure to encourage your dog to exercise properly. In addition, suitable food supplements such as Shiimun Slim can help support your dog's diet.

Shiimun Slim is a natural diet powder for dogs. Thanks to its special composition of carefully selected ingredients, Shiimun Slim is ideal as a natural support for weight loss.

Bei Shiimun Slim handelt es sich um ein natürliches Diätpulver für Hunde. Dank seiner besonderen Zusammensetzung aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Zutaten eignet sich Shiimun Slim ideal als natürliche Unterstützung beim Abnehmen.

Snoring in dogs with dental problems

When a dog snores, very few owners are likely to consider problems with their teeth at first. However, it is quite possible that untreated dental diseases can lead to growths in the mouth and impair breathing.

It is therefore essential to ensure good dental care and have any problems with your dog's teeth treated promptly. We recommend using Bellfor Dental Powder and Dental Sticks for daily teeth cleaning. Both products are characterised by their natural composition and their ease of use, which enables you to effectively care for your dog's teeth.

Snoring in dogs with a cold

During the winter season, dogs can sometimes catch a cold. In addition to a runny nose and watery eyes, the typical symptoms of a cold also include snoring.

Common colds in dogs are completely harmless. After a few days of rest, the infection should be over and your dog should stop snoring.

In order to support the immune system of your four-legged friend with a cold, a dietary supplement such as Bellfor Immun can be useful. Bellfor Immun is a natural preparation with ingredients such as propolis and nettle seeds, which provide your dog with numerous valuable nutrients for strong body's defences.

Snoring in dogs with foreign objects in their noses

If your dog snores, sneezes frequently and keeps rubbing its snout with its paw, it can sometimes be a sign that a foreign object is stuck in its nose. This can be, for example, the seeds of a plant or a tiny stone that the four-legged friend has inhaled.

In most cases, such foreign matter comes out on its own. Occasionally, however, the help of a veterinarian may be necessary.

Snoring in dogs with polyps

Polyps are benign growths that can sometimes occur in a dog's nose. Typical symptoms of nasal polyps in dogs include snoring.

If the polyps give your four-legged friend greater difficulty breathing, surgical removal can be useful. Your dog will usually stop snoring soon after the procedure.

Dog snores - our conclusion

As you can see, in many cases, snoring in dogs is harmless. However, since there can also be serious causes behind the noticeable breathing noises when sleeping, you should not dismiss your dog's snoring as an endearing peculiarity of the four-legged friend.

If your four-legged friend is obviously not getting enough air or if you notice other symptoms besides snoring, we recommend that you visit a veterinarian and have your dog examined.

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